The Daily Show with Trevor Noah invited two transgender military veterans, Sergeant Major (Ret.) Jennifer Marie Young and Joey Whimple, to discuss Donald Trump’s transgender military ban while The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon featured transgender comedian Patti Harrison during Fallon’s monologue.
It was a really wise decision by The Daily Show to bring in two military veterans. It’s been a trying day for many of us in the transgender community–myself included as I got blocked by an actor I like. I don’t have time for any sarcasm by cis folks when it comes to transgender rights especially when said tweet comes off like it’s transphobic.
Both Young and Whimple addressed what life was like in the military before they transitioned. Young, who reached the highest ranking possible after enlisting in the military, was essentially forced to retire from service when she came out late in her career. How one gets discharged effects everything from civilian employment to veterans benefits.
Some of Harrison’s material:
“As a trans person, it’s hard to articulate exactly how I feel, I guess if I had to describe it, I’d say, ‘Donald, you’re so stupid. You are so stupid. You’re lucky you’re so hot.'”
“You know, I don’t even think Trump knows what ‘transgender’ means. He probably thinks transgender people are those cars that turn into robots.”
“There are amazingly brave trans people who should be allowed to serve, like Kristin Beck, a retired Navy SEAL with a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and countless service medals. And yet Trump says transgender people in the military would be a tremendous disruption.
“I get it. If you constantly draw attention to yourself, spend all day distracting everyone, and cost taxpayers millions of dollars, the perfect job for you isn’t the military — it’s the President of the United States.”
Stephen Colbert chimed in during his monologue on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
TONIGHT: The President's morning tweets are often crazy, but seldom as cruel as the pronouncement he made this morning. #LSSC pic.twitter.com/196q1P6Uo6
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) July 27, 2017
Late Night with Seth Meyers turned it over to the female writers on his show, Amber, Ally, Dina and Jenny.
The Late Late Show with James Corden responded with a parody of the classic song “L-O-V-E.”
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee addressed the issue starting at the 4:40 mark.
Chelsea Handler spoke out in a preview of Friday’s show: “I’m sorry a man that has never served in the military a day in his life is denying you the right to serve your country. Thank you for your service and thank you for your bravery. And to the members of the Republican party who continue to choose party over politics, grow a fucking spine!”