Boy Meets World cast discuss Favorite Memories

The core cast of Boy Meets World reunited together on stage for the first time during Wizard World Chicago on Friday, August 24th.  The panel, full of audience questions, panel ran nearly an hour.  There were laughs and tears.

During the Q&A, an audience member asked the Boy Meets World cast what some of the favorite memories that they still have to this day from working on the show. When Danielle Fishel, who starred as Topanga on Boy Meets World, started to respond, she went into uncontrollable laughter.  It’s one of those you had to be there moments that I hope I did justice to with the transcript.

Ben Savage:  There’s a lot.

Will Friedle:  Real quick—to be totally honest, the things I remember about the show are not the show.  The things I remember about the show are being with them behind the scenes and growing up with them for the year or two we were in school together.  They were in school longer but I was there for a year.  Rider and I went to Europe together when we were like 17-18.  It’s things like that that I remember.  I love the show and I’m so proud to be a part of the show but my favorite memories are memories of these people together—all of us.  Those are my favorite memories.

Danielle Fishel:  I lived the furthest from where we worked from everybody and—

Ben Savage: Now for the camera, I’m telling us to start acting, “Come on guys, gotta go!”  This is a disaster—

Danielle Fishel:  Ben and Rider lived near each other so my mom eventually got to the point where she was like, I don’t want to take you to work today.  I couldn’t drive so she would drive me to one of their two houses.  My mom’s always early everywhere so I’d always show up 30 minutes before I needed to leave so I’d just sit.

Ben Savage:  Oh my G-d.  Did you just—I’m a little nervous right now.

Danielle Fishel:  I have so many memories of just sitting so awkwardly in the front part of his house waiting for him over in Ben’s mom’s living room, where she offered me tea or water because I was waiting for Ben to get ready so we could leave. Oh my gosh.  I’m just (inaudible).

Ben Savage:  Good memory.  Good memory.  Basically, Rider and I are prima donnas.

Danielle Fishel:  Oh my gosh.  I’m alright.  I’ve got memories of just sitting in their living room.  Do I want to watch TV? I’m like, Nope!  I’d just sit there silently in the room.

Ben Savage:  You didn’t even have a cell phone!

Danielle Fishel:  No!  Cell phones didn’t exist.

Ben Savage:  So what did you do?

Danielle Fishel:  There was nothing for me but just sit and stare at the wall!

Ben Savage:  Quiet reflection time.

Danielle Fishel:  That’s one of my favorite memories.

Rider Strong:  I think can speak for all of us that the most cherished shooting memory was doing the Halloween episode—what we call the scream episode.  (inaudible) That is by far the most fun I’ve ever had on the set in my life.  All it did was piss our director off so much.

Will Friedle:  It was what Danielle was doing times seven.

Rider Strong:  That was us!

Danielle Fishel:  You know the scene where they do the camera pan from all of our faces and we’re all like looking guilty?  We had to stand in a semi-circle and we’d all be looking at each other and get to see each other going (makes face).  By the time the camera would get to us, we’d be dying laughing and we did it so many times.  It’s the only time I can remember in seven seasons where the director came out and said, “Let me know when you’re ready to work!” and stormed off.  Unfortunately for him, it made us all crack up laughing.  Probably the most disrespectful thing we could have done.

Will Friedle:  He was also such a nice guy that we never heard him do that before.

Danielle Fishel:  We had never—

Will Friedle:  It came off as funny—

Danielle Fishel:  It was just funny—shocking.

Boy Meets World aired 1993-2000 on ABC.

Danielle Solzman

Danielle Solzman is native of Louisville, KY, and holds a BA in Public Relations from Northern Kentucky University and a MA in Media Communications from Webster University. She roots for her beloved Kentucky Wildcats, St. Louis Cardinals, Indianapolis Colts, and Boston Celtics. Living less than a mile away from Wrigley Field in Chicago, she is an active reader (sports/entertainment/history/biographies/select fiction) and involved with the Chicago improv scene. She also sees many movies and reviews them. She has previously written for Redbird Rants, Wildcat Blue Nation, and Hidden Remote/Flicksided. From April 2016 through May 2017, her film reviews can be found on Creators.

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