Thomas Ian Nicholas talks American Pie, Adverse

Thomas Ian Nicholas spoke to Solzy at the Movies about Adverse, Zeroville, and the future of the American Pie franchise during Wizard World Chicago 2019.

I last spoke with Thomas during Wizard World Chicago 2017 so I was able to get some updates.

American Pie turned 20 years old this summer.

Thomas Ian Nicholas: It did. It’s almost legal to drink.

How come you weren’t in the anniversary photo?

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Which photo are you talking about?

There is a big group photo on Instagram. I think Allyson posted it.

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Oh yeah! I was working so I couldn’t make it to the Entertainment Tonight reunion which is funny because a lot of people are like “Tom, where were you?” But there was another person also not there that not many people have mentioned. Mena Suvari was also not there. Sometimes, work gets in the way of hanging out with my friends.

What’s the latest you’ve heard with regards to American Pie 5?

Thomas Ian Nicholas: The last thing that I heard was I actually was mistaken about where it was at. I had thought that Jon and Hayden, who wrote and directed American Reunion, had a pitched to Universal and Universal liked but they never actually put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. So there’s actually no script. So I thought improperly for a long time there was a script. Apparently, there’s no script. So I know right now, I’m super focused on the things that I’m producing. I didn’t produce but Zeroville hits theaters on September 16th with James Franco, Seth Rogen, Danny McBride, Will Ferrell, and Megan Fox. Then I have my next film, Adverse, with Mickey Rourke, Penelope Ann Miller, Lou Diamond Phillips, Sean Astin, and in fact Matt Ryan is here at Wizard World this weekend who’s in Adverse and so as Samm Levine, who is my neighbor.

What can you tell us about those films?

Thomas Ian Nicholas: That they are very different than the 20-year-old one we’re talking about being that they’re dramatic films, which is where my focus is right now. I’m focused on my sort of roots in drama and kind of steering away from comedy right now. That’s my kind of mainstay right now is to get into some very deep layered characters and maybe surprise people that know me more from Rookie of the Year and American Pie to show them the other side of the coin.

Is there a release date for Adverse yet or are you all looking to play the festival circuit?

Thomas Ian Nicholas: We’re looking to premiere at a festival first and we’re tentatively planning for an April release. Though nothing is set in stone until we have that premiere and see which companies we’re going to partner with for distribution.

You also have a musical career. What’s the first thing you think when you hear people compare you to Bruce Springsteen and Dave Grohl?

Thomas Ian Nicholas: That’s two of my favorite artists. I’m a huge fan of Dave Grohl. We recorded the Frat Party album at Dave’s studio, Studio 606 on the famous Neve console. We covered the Foo Fighters so we’re the only people brave enough or dumb enough to play Foo Fighters at the Foo Fighters studio besides the Foo Fighters. I really dig Springsteen and I also have dibs on playing him in a biopic which he approved in 2006 when I asked him if I could play him. I know there’s a Bruce Springsteen fan movie that’s out right now.

Blinded by the Light. When I was at Sundance, I saw it and I’ve seen it two times since. Loved it!

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Yeah, it’s great. I would love to do a movie on Springsteen’s early life and career though similar to playing Walt Disney or Abbie Hoffman.

I think that would be awesome.

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Yeah, it would be a lot of fun.

Anything else you have to plug or is it just Adverse and Zeroville?

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Zeroville is next out in theaters. Adverse will follow that up. I’m also working on the next slate of films and there’s a lot of cool stuff on the horizon. So nothing really to report yet officially until we start making official attachments and press releases and all that stuff so lips are sealed for the moment.

A few years ago, you were plugging Handbook for Mortals.

Thomas Ian Nicholas: That’’ still on the slate of films. Making a film is kind of like—each film that I produce out of the six that I’ve produced so far—getting it like off the ground and running, it’s kind of like a small miracle. There’s a lot of pieces that need to fall into place. We’ve had a couple false starts. There’s a lot of films that I have on the slate right now and it’s really a question of whoever comes to the table and then one kind of rises up and we move on that one and then sometimes that changes.

You have an interesting story about meeting Seth Rogen on the set of Zeroville.

Thomas Ian Nicholas: On Zeroville, I went to introduce myself to Seth. Usually, I’m the person that does this because I have a pretty rock solid memory—at least I thought. He was like, “Oh no, we already met.” And I was like, “Wait, what are you talking about?” He was like, “Yeah, we did a table read together way back in the day. And then I was racking my brain. So then I felt like embarrassed because that’s usually my position. I’m always the guy—it’s like, “No, we’ve already met.” And then I call out something and then remind someone. So then I had to one up him and I was like, “Oh yeah, that’s right. Laura Prepon was there. Christopher Lloyd was there. It was for a film called Bad Haircut. It was like in 2000 or something at the Argyle Hotel.” And he’s like, “That was it.” So at least I remembered but I only remembered after I tried to reintroduce myself to Seth Rogen.

I was surprised that you remembered me last year!

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Like I said, I’m usually good with that. Usually, I’m good with remembering those who I meet.

Wizard World Chicago runs August 22-25, 2019 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Ill.

Danielle Solzman

Danielle Solzman is native of Louisville, KY, and holds a BA in Public Relations from Northern Kentucky University and a MA in Media Communications from Webster University. She roots for her beloved Kentucky Wildcats, St. Louis Cardinals, Indianapolis Colts, and Boston Celtics. Living less than a mile away from Wrigley Field in Chicago, she is an active reader (sports/entertainment/history/biographies/select fiction) and involved with the Chicago improv scene. She also sees many movies and reviews them. She has previously written for Redbird Rants, Wildcat Blue Nation, and Hidden Remote/Flicksided. From April 2016 through May 2017, her film reviews can be found on Creators.

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