This Is Not a Movie follows journalist Robert Fisk in his quest to seek the truth in war zones–especially within the Middle East.
The Middle East is home to many of the world’s international conflicts. Filmmaker Yung Chang follows British journalist Robert Fisk on the ground while he’s hard at work. Fisk has been doing this for forty years. As one can imagine, it’s not always easy getting the pertinent facts when there’s a war going on. While government officials will paint one picture, what we can see on the ground paints an entirely different picture altogether. Suffice it to say, it can get pretty messy.
During one segment in Israel, an interview subject and Fisk are discussing Judea-Samaria. This makes for some rather fascinating conversation. The person questions whether Palestinians have any actual right to the land. He gets into the history of the land and notes that surrounding Arab countries want nothing to do with the Palestinians. Moreover, he questions Fisk about his views on Israel. Fisk tells him that he accepts the existence of Israel but feels that the current situation is taking the country into dangerous waters. Of all the conflicts in the Middle East, the Israel-Palestinian conflict is the one that will open up a can of worms.
Journalism means getting down to the truth of the story. Sometimes, it could mean hearing news that will just break your heart. Absolutely devastating in some instances. The fact of the matter is that journalists have to tell it like it is. Moreover, there’s a changing landscape thanks to digital media. How does this factor into Fisk’s job performance? Why is it that a British journalist wants to work in the Middle East? This is but just one of the many questions that get answered while watching the film. It’s not just drinking tea!
This Is Not a Movie isn’t the only film to tackle journalism. Collective just held its North American premiere over the weekend. In their own way, both films stress the importance of journalism. In the case of the former, it’s the investigative aspect that can bring down government officials or CEOs. With regards to This Is Not a Movie, it’s about getting down to the truth of what happens in a war zone. Of course, this also comes at a time when the American president declares the free press to as an enemy of the people. This in and of itself is not right no matter how you look at it.
DIRECTOR: Yung Chang
FEATURING: Robert Fisk