October 26, 2020 will prove to be one of the worst days in American history and as such, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must be elected.
I make no secret of the fact that I am a transgender woman. It’s something I’ve been open about since coming out to family and friends during 2015-2016. I’ve come a long way since Mike DeCourcy profiled me in The Sporting News in November 2016. But all of this is beside the point. I write this article now because my rights are at stake.
What we have seen from the Trump administration is a record that goes against everything I stand for. This admin seeks to deny the realities of science. They seek to deny rights to LGBTQ Americans. The admin would rather keep children in cages along the border while sending their parents away. In what way are these American values? These are not any American value that I know of. Four more years of Trump will not be good for my mental health.
On Monday night saw Senate Republicans ram through a Supreme Court nomination instead of focusing on helping the American economy. Millions of Americans are unemployed but they don’t care. Mitch McConnell would rather suck up to Donald Trump than serve the Kentuckians that voted him in. I’m a Kentucky native and even though I supported Charles Booker in the primary, Kentuckians have a responsibility to Ditch Mitch. Kentuckians need to vote for Amy McGrath. Mitch must go.
I haven’t forgotten Trump’s remarks following Charlottesville in 2017. If I must remind you, there are documentaries that were up close during this time. We’ve had a lot of political documentaries this fall reminding us about voting rights or just why Trump is bad for us. That’s all fine but here’s what I know from experience: documentaries do not vote. Polls do not vote. It is up to us as American citizens to exercise our right to vote.
It may have taken over two weeks for my ballot to arrive in the mail. No sooner than it arrived did I return it wearing my Captain America mask. Captain America represents the very ideals that makes America what it is. But all of that notwithstanding, it was with that ballot that I proudly cast my vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We have a duty to restore sanity to the White House because if we don’t elect Biden and Harris, I don’t know what will become of America. To borrow a word from The Avengers, we have to do whatever it takes!