Netflix keeps supporting not-funny transphobic comedy by way of releasing a new Dave Chappelle special every so often and it’s exhausting.
Enough is enough. I’m so tired of having the same conversation every fricking time that a new special gets released. Netflix can say they are an LGBTQ ally–it’s great that they acquired Disclosure–the allyship feels performative when they keep releasing Chappelle specials KNOWING he’s a transphobic bigot.
In the newest special, which I did not watch because I don’t need these attacks on my existence, Chappelle openly defends transphobic author J.K. Rowling. He goes beyond this by saying that he is on “Team TERF.” If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it means trans-exclusionary radical transphobe. A better acronym would be FART: feminist-appropriating radical transphobe. There is nothing feminist about their being transphobic AF.
But if Chappelle’s transphobia isn’t enough, he also resorts to antisemitism with his jokes about “Space Jews.” Seriously?!? You didn’t think it was enough to attack my transgender identity so you went against my Jewish identity, too?!? Here’s a must-read thread that dives into the antisemitism:
Too many people are not understanding the antisemitism behind Dave Chappelle's "Space Jews" joke, so let's go through it all, shall we?
(A long thread because it includes the transcript of both "Space Jews" jokes).
— Sasha G (she/her) (@SashLG413) October 7, 2021
I shouldn’t have to remind you that there’s been a serious uptick in Jew-hatred during the past year. We can’t even eat brunch and post photos on social media without getting death threats.
GLAAD and others have called out Netflix for this newest special. I almost didn’t even write this because I know it’s going to lead to more transphobic abuse online. It’s the same conversation every year and I cannot stress this enough.
Dave Chappelle's brand has become synonymous with ridiculing trans people and other marginalized communities. Negative reviews and viewers loudly condemning his latest special is a message to the industry that audiences don't support platforming anti-LGBTQ diatribes. We agree. https://t.co/yOIyT54819
— GLAAD (@glaad) October 6, 2021
I have to watch Netflix films and TV series for work. I’m glad that I don’t have to pay for an account in order to review the content because I would not be able to feel good about myself by paying for a streaming service that will use the money to support hateful comedy that isn’t funny and causes more harm. I’m sure I’m not alone on this. There are transgender writers and producers calling out Netflix for airing the newest Dave Chappelle special. Perhaps what we need are studios and such to hire transgender executives because they clearly are not hiring enough transgender writers/producers/showrunners.
There is nothing funny about transphobia or antisemitism but Netflix keeps supporting his hate by streaming his new specials. This isn’t the only time they’ve rewarded hate with money–after all, Roald Dahl was openly proud about his antisemitism and Netflix had no problem acquiring his catalog. Hollywood keeps rewarding hate and it’s exhausting.